Science Week Activities: 5th Year Biology Quiz; Kinder Egg Challenge; Water Warriors Event - Millennium Forum; Chemistry at Work
5th Year Biology Quiz
Teams from all 5th year Biology classes took part in a biology quiz this week, during Science week. The winning team from each class went head to head on Friday to find the finalists. After a tie break and additional round of questions, 2 teams claimed the top prize with equal points.
Winning Team 1: Cara Livadaris, Kaylah Mc Callion, Ríona Mc Donald and Rhys Murphy

Winning Team 2: Kaylie Hatuka, Alex Butler, Laura Devlin and Jean Bradley

Kinder Egg Challenge
First Year students, in teams, were given the challenge of building the highest tower possible to support a Kinder egg. Each time were given 3 Farmers Journals, 1 roll of sellotape and a pair of scissors.
1EFG Winning team were Ruslan Meleshko and Kyrylo Blamodarnyl with a tower built to 1.95 metres.

1ABCD were Eimear Doherty, Áine Boyle, Grace McDaid, Sophie McLaughlin, Arianna McGuinness, Gráinne Harkin with a tower built to an amazing height of 2.41 metres!

Water Warriors Event - Millennium Forum
80 first year students travelled to the Millennium Forum, Derry along with teachers and SNAs to experience the annual Water Warriors Science Show hosted by Mark the Science Guy organised by the Loughs Agency. Students were immersed in learning and local waterways and marine life through experiments on stage and interactive games.
The first year music students had, prior to this, taken part in a music workshop under the guidance of Morris, a local song writer, to create a water-themed song, focusing on the creatures, impacts of pollution and climate change. Studio 7, a recording studio, came to CCS to record the pupils singing and using recyclable materials to create the music. This, along with recordings from a number of other schools, was played at the event in the Millennium Forum. A great day out was had by all!
Chemistry at Work
5th and 6th Year Chemistry Students attended the Chemistry at Work Exhibition at Queens hosted by the School of Chemistry on 19th November along with Mrs Gilmore and Mrs Doherty. The students had talks from Northern Ireland Water who took them through an interactive visit though the treatment of sewage, Almac - who promoted a range of careers from the study of Chemistry, Spirit AeroSystems - who use Chemistry to anodise the metal parts in aeroplanes to provide better resistance to corrosion, Norbrook - who make drugs for the improvement of animal health and CAFRE College - who demonstrated the importance of Chemistry in the world of food science, equine health and horticulture. BOC gases provided entertainment during the break with the unusual properties of gases.