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TY News - Term 1

There is never a dull moment in TY.

TY Inish Adventures

All the TYS set off for Inish Adventures in Moville for their first trip of the year as part of the TY Bonding Day on September 5th. They all got kitted out in their wet suits and life jackets and couldn’t wait to get on the big inflatable water park, Mr Bogan included. The sun was shining and the crack was good. We all headed up to Moville town for some lunch after, a great day out had by all!


TYD are learning skills to do with Digital Fabrication. They are learning how to use design software called Inksacpe where they can personalise and design their own projects. They can then create these projects on machines such as the laser cutter/engraver, vinyl printer and cutter, mug press and 3D printer. Some projects include designing and printing their own cups and stickers. They are also making a card wallet with their own personal engraving on the front.

TYG Literacy Project

TYG have joined forces with 2nd class girls in ST. Patrick’s Girls School for the Literacy Project the TY students' mentor and guide the students through a series of literacy worksheets. This literacy project is received well by both groups and both look forward to every Tuesday.

TYA Upholstery/sewing and Furniture Upcycling Workshops

The option is there for the students to transform a piece of their choice, possibly a piece no longer used at home or purchased from a second hand/charity shop. eg chair with upholstered seat or a footstool.

The first group TYA if it is preferable upcycled a vintage child/toddler

In the sewing room the girls made beautiful pin cushions and scrunchies.

TY Karting Trips

All TY groups travelled to the Letterkenny Activity Centre. Students went go-karting, survived the high ropes, went zip lining, did some archery and shooting. We had a sneaky wee stop in McDonalds on the way home. The behaviour was brilliant and a good day was had by all.

TY Forensic Science Day

The case the TYs were looking at was the JFK assassination ....

Forensics include ballistics, fingerprints, facial recognition, autopsy, trace evidence & exploring the main theories / links with history ....

Students really enjoyed the JFK workshop, critical thinking at its best!

They quickly discovered that the forensic evidence raises serious questions about the official verdict! All students were given a handout of links, college courses and websites for further research if needed.

TYE and TYG Plastic Bottle project

Bottles, bottles everywhere. Watch what our TY can Recycle- Reward – Reinvent. TYs will be collecting the plastic bottles form Junior classes on Wednesday and Friday( last 10 mins of lunch in the canteen) . Remember 40 bottles - €4 voucher for canteen.

TY Road Safety Trip

Letterkenny returns to educate young drivers

There is a unique partnership between Donegal County Council and members of the Donegal Road Safety Working Group which provides a platform to positively influence the driving behaviour of young students. All TY students departed early on Tuesday 3rd Oct for the annual Road Safety Roadshow.

The importance of road safety and the dangers that exist on a daily basis on our roads will be highlighted to Donegal students at the Road Safe Show in the Aura Leisure Centre in Letterkenny.

“The Road Safe Show is a very important event in our Road Safety Programme as it sends a clear message to young people that a road traffic collision affects many people, from the immediate family and friends to the emergency services who have to attend the horrific scenes of a collision,” Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Martin Harley said.

TY Tourism Trip

TYA and TYD Tourism Trip Tuesday 10th October 2023

First we visited the Doagh Famine village. We got a guided tour of the village. We learned about the history of the famine and how people lived. We visited the houses they lived in and worked in and the food they ate. They ate dulse and carraigeen moss. We were shown how poitin was made and what it was used for. We were shown around the village and we saw lots of life size exhibits which provided information about how they lived. The haunted house caused a few screams!

Next we visited the Ballyliffen Golf club where John Farren gave us a talk about tourism in the area and at the golf club. We were told about how much tourism affects local businesses and how important it is for tourists to visit because it brings money into the area. We were also told about how much it costs to run the golf club and how much the greens cost yearly. We talked about how much staff it takes to run the golf club.

We then visited the Ballyliffin Lodge and we were given a nice meal. After the food we talked to the friendly staff members, Danielle the marketing manager and Ron the general manager about tourism and the hotel and how many people stay in the hotel every year. We also discussed the different jobs involved in the hotel from chefs to managers.

We then went and visited the Clonmany Community Centre pantry. We met Beibhinn Mullins who runs the Clonmany Community Centre. We were given a talk about the community pantry and how it works. She talked about how the pantry started off when the community centre first heard of food cloud, a national solution for food redistribution in Ireland.

The pantry takes in food from supermarkets where they are throwing it out because they can no longer sell it because it is close to its best before date. The pantry can be used by anyone. It’s main goal is to reduce food wastage.

We finished by playing a football match on the astro. It was TYA vs TYD … TYA won the match of course! We were also shown the sensory room. We had a great day out altogether.

BY Niamh and Kaylah TYA.


TYE has been very busy working on their Young Social Innovators Project. Their project ‘Recycle - Reward - Reinvent’ has proven to be very popular within the school community. Students have already reinvented some of the recycled bottles to build a bin to help with their weekly bottle collection. Students also participated in a YSI workshop which aimed to increase their awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As this relates to their YSI project, particularly goal no.12 responsible consumption and production, students were encouraged to become champions for the SDGs and lead their school community in efforts to address the issue of recycling.

TYC Water Safety Demonstration

A trip for TYC was organsied to Foyle Arena in Derry on Thursday 28th of September . A ‘Water Safety Talk’ and a lifesaving demonstration formed the basis of the day.

Ger Comedy Show

Part play, part stand-up, Ger Carey Live entertained the TYs with his comedy show developed for transition year students. The 90-minute show takes an hilarious look at modern teenage life, but also smuggles in important messages relating to mental health, friendship and the importance of being able to laugh at yourself sometimes.


Mentoring involves pairing a TY student with a 1st Year student to act as a positive role model. The aim for the 1st year student is to help with transition to secondary school while for the TY student it is a leadership programme, allowing them to develop their skills in this area. The benefits for the Mentors are equally as good as those for the Mentees; evidence shows improved emotional skills, empathy and school connectedness.

Mentoring builds confidence and develops relationships through weekly meetings as a group. Each forty minute session allows the Mentor and Mentee to meet up but also allows the mentees to socialise together, developing connections through the activities which the TY Mentors organise for the session. The focus is on building resilience and developing social skills in an informal setting.

Plumbing Course

TYE have been learning some hands-on Plumbing Skills. They have just completed a 5 week plumbing programme. Hopefully they can put some of their skills to the test!!!.

STEM Programme

All TY girls have joined the STEM journey . The STEM Passport for Inclusion (STEMP. Inc) was created with a mission to empower students from underrepresented groups, and act as a pathway to pursue STEM careers. It helps to provide students with many STEM skills that are not only in demand, but are essential for shaping our future. We recognise that there are barriers and misconceptions that can make careers in a STEM field seem unattainable. Our goal is to break-down those barriers and help you realize that the world of STEM is open to you, offering incredible opportunities for learning and growth.

Over the course of the three STEM days, the students will be given an introduction to 21st Century STEM skills. This will include many exciting, hands-on challenges relating to data, coding and Artificial Intelligence. You will also have the unique opportunity to interact with a mentor who is working in a STEM field. This is a valuable opportunity to gain an insight into what a career in STEM might look like.

Yoga TYC

Yoga, an ancient practice originating from India, has taken the world by storm with its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. More than just a form of exercise, yoga is a lifestyle that promotes overall well-being. TYC enjoyed their first yoga session with Sonia.

Enterprise projects

The TYs are putting their creative minds to the test and some great enterprise projects popping up. They will be showcasing some of their ideas at the TY Christmas Craft Fayre on Friday 15th Dec.

TY Dance

The dancing bug has started. This year’s TY Dance show “ ICONIC HITS” promises to be a night of fun and some iconic moves. TYD and TYA are rocking the boat with their moves.

Sleep Out

Over 25 students took to the floor of the Aras on Friday 13th Oct to highlight how so many young people and families are now affected by homelessness. I think the teachers may have had a little snooze this year!!!!

Ireland match in Aviva.

A 2-0 defeat by Greece did not dampen the spirits of the TYs on their recent trip to Aviva. 47 students and their teachers headed off on Friday 13th Oct. A large speaker accompanied the students and no doubt the music was blaring all the way. Great experience for everyone.

Work Experience

All TYs completed their first work experience session 23rd Oct – 27th Oct. Work Experience offers many benefits for the TY students – insight into the workplace, help to develop useful skills such as communication, organisation and teamwork and the importance of time management. All reports back were excellent. Well Done everyone.


The TYs displayed great teamwork and imagination in the Scarecrow competition. The certainly added an extra dimension to Redcastle this year. Very Impressive work from all. Watch out for our next big one on 6th March .

Term 2 promises to be just as busy with loads of inhouse activities, trips and opportunities. This year the students can do various courses/programmes – TEFL , Sportshall Athletics Young Leader programme, Lifeguard, Rock Climbing, Public Speaking, Gaisce, John Paul Award as well as numerous competitions. All information is posted on their Goggle Classroom Page.

Please support us at our 2 big events before Christmas. TY Cultural night and our annual Craft Fayre.

Important Dates in Term 2

7th Dec TY Cultural Night in the Aras 7pm-9pm Tickets €10

8th Dec TY Community Link Coffee Morning in the Aras 11-1

15th Dec TY Christmas Craft Fayre 10am – 2pm

18th Dec Mentoring trip to Cinema

19th Dec TY Christmas Cinema Trip

© 2023 Carndonagh Community School

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